With the May release of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Pirate shows will be huge hits this summer! We have entertaining shows lines up!
Bill as “Captain Jack” People young and old love this character. Captain Jack sets up a Pirate atmosphere with a pirate ship, a throne and a full treasure chest. Speaking with an English accent and using grammar of the Pirate era, he engages kids with stories. Of course, this pirate has a parrot (not a live bird). After the storytelling, audience members can ask questions about his life as a Pirate, take pictures in the pirate set, & meet this "real" pirate up close and personal.
A Pirates Adventure Come aboard for 25 to 30 minutes of pirate fun. Our ship’s mates will dance to your delight. The show leads guests on a hunt for the great treasure! Our pirate host follows a map in her quest. Along the way she runs into her Pirate Stretch and Captain Dance Pants! Together through games, stretching and dancing guests and the pirates find the treasure! It’s an interactive show that will have our mates cheering jumping & dancing!Puppet Tamer Pirate Tim (A Ventriloquist with Crackers the Parrot) The show has a unique humour, wacky improvisation, and outrageous situations: a fun-packed animated show. Through careful interactions, your audience will become part of the show bringing the best in live theatre to life. Pirate Tim is the swashbuckling stiltwaker and juggler of pirate swords. He can perform both stage shows and engage festival goers with his strolling pirate on stilts.
Pirate Jack Robin Show Pirate Jack Robin is a great storyteller and will captivate you with his stories on how he came up from the Caribbean with his buddy Captain Tim and how he met other pirates on the way and fought. He claims to be over 400 years old but can still juggle balls and clubs. He talks in general of pirates' fears and juggles three unusual objects to illustrate those fears - an apple, a toilet plunger and a short sword. He tells the story of his final days with Captain Tim Horton and his crew and how, during a mutiny, his former shipmates forced him to walk the blank - this is an acrobatic bit on top of his pirates trunk with a rola-bola, juggling 3 machetes for a finale.

Pirate School This can be a stage show with magic and games or an activity. Pirate Pete and First Mate Kate run this fun and interactive program. Kids can learn how to be pirates and make their own pirate accessories. Our Pirate Hands lead the crafts where the kids make a telescope, a treasure map, eye patches and a magic pirate tree. Kids can go on a treasure hunt for a hidden treasure (we’ll hide it in advance). There are pirate games, including a tug-of-war and “walk the plank”. The full activity includes a 20-minute stage show plus one hour of games and crafts.